Convened Sessions
To upload your convened session proposals please click here.
The proposal must be submitted electronically in Adobe Acrobat PDF format using the EDAS® conference management system.
Extended submission deadline: 20th November 2010
Please choose in the track "CONVENED SESSIONS" from the following topics for submitting your paper.
Antennas and Related Topics
CA01 Innovative array antennas
CA02 Antennas for space applications
CA03 Integral Techniques in Electromagnetics (INTELECT)
CA04 Numerical Methods for Challenging Multi-Scale Problems
CA05 Parallelisation and fast solver techniques for numerical methods
CA06 Inverse problems and optimization techniques
CA07 EurAAP software WG - The future of computational electromagnetics: science or product?
CA08 Research challenges in RF exposure assessment
CA09 Biological effects of Electromagnetic Fields: state of the art and future directions
CA10 Microwave imaging and sensors for medical applications
CA11 Body Implanted antennas
CA12 Radar imaging and sensing
CA13 Millimeter-wave & integrated antennas and systems
CA14 Terahertz Antennas & Systems
CA15 New trends on MIMO Systems and smart antennas
CA16 User mobile terminal antennas
CA17 New challenges on Ultra Wide Band antennas & systems
CA18 Metamaterial applications
CA19 Transformation electromagnetics
CA20 Nano-particles and nano-structures for RF applications
CA21 Innovative design and applications of reconfigurable antennas (COST IC0603 ASSIST)
CA22 Focusing systems, lenses, and reflectors
CA23 Small antennas" (EurAAP Working Group)
CA24 RFID technologies (COST IC0803/IC0603 special session)
CA25 Sensor Networks: Pervasive Electromagnetics for Sensing and Tracking
CA26 European School of Antennas (ESoA) (EurAAP Working Group)
CA27 On-Body Wearable Antennas
CA28 Advances in Computer-assisted design of antennas including requirements, modelling, algorithms
Propagation and Related Topics
CP01 Antennas and propagation: automotive applications
CP02 RF and mm-wave propagation in the Battle-field Environment
CP03 Wireless Power Transmission and Energy Harvesting
CP04 COST 2100: From channel models to channel impacts on wireless communications
CP05 Recent Advances in MIMO Systems: Channel Characterization and Antenna-Channel Interactions
CP06 Multi-dimensional propagation models for next generation systems
CP07 Diffuse scattering in mobile propagation
CP08 COST IC0802: Channel modelling for radio systems from L to W band
CP09 COST IC0802: Channel modelling for free space optical links
CP10 Propagation and scattering in vegetation
CP11 Land Mobile Satellite propagation channel modelling
CP12 Propagation in Body Area Networks
CP13 Earth-space propagation effects: measurements, modelling and mitigation
Antenna and Measurement Techniques
CM01 Pattern Comparison Techniques (AMTA session)
CM02 Fast Antenna Measurement Techniques (AMTA session)
CM03 General Antenna Measurements (AMTA session)
CM04 Antenna diagnostics (AMTA session)
CM05 Near field Measurements (AMTA session)